A strong opinion on !forth :
> Many programmers choose to reject the idea that Forth is the OS. Instead they prefer to implement Forth as a conventional programming language on top of the operating system of their choice. By doing so they violate several of the original definitions of Forth. What they have is not longer a complete system, instead they have choosen to return to the multi-level nightmare.
> Over the years Chuck has focused on making his Forths simpler, faster, and more compact. He has done this because he wants the minimal amount of things that cannot be changed between him and the problem he wants to solve. His Forths have shown a consistent methodology and approach and a series of smaller, simpler, more efficient implementations of his language. In sharp contrast the majority of Forth programmers have gone in nearly the opposite direction. They have thrown out most of the Forth methodology, their Forths are not complete systems, they rely on other people's BIOS, OS, GUI, Languages, Compilers, and DLL and are thus not able to reduce many of the problems they must face to construct a solution.
Suddenly I realize that Forth may be the first exokernel project.
Is somebody doing a MirageOS-like Forth project for the Xen+Virtio interface or uKVM?