Someone use !Microsoft Outlook? Problem: the .OST file has grown to 20GB.I want to filter the mails Outlook fetches from the Exchange server
→there is a sync filtering feature to only fetch mails since 2016, BUT: the filter would have to be set individually to 300 mail folders
@lnxw48a1 do you store the archive.pst files on the user PCs? In that case: do you use a method to back up the PSTs to the fileserver?
@lnxw48a1 apart from problems when the archive.pst is unreachable: does putting this file on a fileserver work? Microsoft warns against that
@lnxw48a1 I think I'm going to give this #Outlook user a second #Exchange account with another 20 GB and move half of his mails there.
@lnxw48a1 depressing. Outlook has always been doing a bad job with large amounts of mail. But in DE companies have to keep mails for 10 yrs
@lnxw48a1 maybe found a solution:I had already disabled " #Exchange cache mode" but you must also "prohibit offline use"