The proxy of our beloved university does not allow anymore other ports than the 80 with http. I think that in the future, all Internet connexion will be shutdown, for security reasons. #facepalm
They block SSH at my school to, but allow port 587 (MSA) . putting SSH on an alternate port fixes that.
And will not stop a malicious actor. Just those who want to stuff done
I still didn’t try ssh today, but usually I have to activate a firewall client to pass through the proxy. But when you do like this, then you can’t load the web pages of the university website anymore, which I often need to load…
Another work around is simply to use your own device, with WiFi. No proxy anymore, everything’s open…
yes... in the land of the corporate firewall the owner of the smartphone is king. But you have to pay for your own data then
@igor Time to tunnel with !Tor. But circumventing the proxy/firewall is grounds for dismissal in some places; do so at your own risk.