@thefaico Thank you for Spanish translation update. I released #AndStatus v.33.04 with this update. AndStatus translation project: https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus
@thefaico Please help to improve #AndStatus translations joining this translation project: https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus @perspicacious01
#AndStatus v.30.04 (198) published to the Open Beta testing channel https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.andstatus.app Translations updated thanks to volunteer translators! (see https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus ) All known crashes fixed. Thank you for your crash reports! In particular, we found a cause of intermittent application freezes for a second or two: loading and saving of the commands queue. Now this is done asynchronously.
As AndStatus has been expanded, some more phrases to translate were added to https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus
@hikerus Please joint translation project at https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus and discuss transaction with peers...
@vinzv Thank you, this is v.22.2 and most obvious bugs are fixed already. Waiting for your confirmation that this build can be made available to a wider audience. @majestyx BTW, there are several new strings to translate in this release. Translators are welcome to https://crowdin.com/project/andstatus