Bar chart of the four values, with each value pair explained. Introvert vs Extravert, almost dead center, only slightly toward Introvert Sensing vs Intuition, 25% of the way from the center to Sensing Feeling vs Thinking, maybe a third of the way from the center toward Thinking Judging vs Perceiving, more than half the way from the center toward Perceiving Explanations: Introversion-Extroversion is your cognitive orientation. Introverts centre themselves inside their bodies. Extroverts centre their attention outside their bodies. Sensing-Intuition is the first pair of cognitive functions and the preference for how your prefer to be served information; through the five senses or from the subconscious. Feeling-Thinking is the second pair of cognitive functions, the judging functions, which are used to evaluate goals; either through personal values or objective principles. Judging-Perceiving is what pair of cognitive functions your prefer to use; Judging is a preference for a structured lifestyle and the use of feeling and thinking while perceiving is the preference for a flexible lifestyle and the use of sensing and intuition.