Screenshot of a Twitter interaction in December 2019, between myself and the famed British comedian and impressionist Rory Bremner. My tweet: Need a laugh? Delve into the TV archives with an episode of The Clive James Show, with @rorybremner on absolute fire with his fantastic on-point impersonations: Rory’s retweet and comment: Heavens.. forgotten about this. Loved doing Clive James's show. He was always very supportive and loved being on TV as much as reviewing it. He was brilliant at both Me, replying back to Rory: Pretty chuffed this gave you a fantastic little reminder of both your own work and your experiences with Clive. - From an Australian who grew up on a steady diet of the best of British comedy, and appreciates your comic genius. Rory, in reply to me: Thank you so much! Really appreciate that- so kind of you