A still image of a scene from the beginning of the movie "Blade Runner," where a replicant named Leon is given a "Voight-Kampff test" by a Blade Runner named Dave Holden. The image is mostly blue and green tones and shadow. The image is seen from the side, with Leon and Dave sitting on opposite sides of a table with a CRT monitor in the middle. Leon sits on the left-hand side of the table wearing something that looks like a hospital gown. He is in a high-backed leather chair and his hands are conspicuously in his lap. Holden is on the right hand side, in a similar chair. He is hunched over the Voight-Kampff machine used to administer the test. There is a large ceiling fan above them with blades approximately five feet long. Light streams in through a high, rectangular window, giving the whole scene the appearance of something happening underwater.