The first page reads: Nineteenth Century Clouls over the Dynamical Theory of Heat and Light * By The Right. Hon. Lord KeLvIs, G.C.V.O., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., M.R.I. t. [In the present article, the substance of the lecture is reproduced--with large additions, in which work commenced at the heginning of last year and continued after the lecture, during thirteen months up to the present time, is described--with results confirming the conclusions and largely extending the illustrations which were given in the lecture. I desire to take this opportunity of expressing my obligations to Mr. William Anderson, my secretary and assistant, for the mathematical tact and skill, the accuracy of geometrical drawing, and the unfailingly faithful perseverance in the long-continued and varied series of drawings and algebraic and arithmetical calculations, explained in the following pages. The whole of this work, involving the determination of results due to more than five thousand individual impacts, has been performed by Mr. Anderson.- K., Feb. 2, 1901.] $ 1. THE beauty and clearness of the dynamical theory, which asserts heat and light to be modes of motion, is at present obscured by two clouds. I. The first came into existence with the undulatory theory of light, and…