23. Empty room? This 15’x15’ room appears completely empty. However, close inspection of the far wall (a DC 15 Investigation check) finds a small zig-zag slot in it, which matches the ridges of the gold coin from room 22. Placing the coin in the slot causes a 5’ section of wall to drop down, revealing the entrance to room 24. 24. Armory. This 15’x40’ room is an old armory, and contains a large number and variety of mundane weapons and armor, all in excellent condition. If the PCs are looking for a specific weapon or armor type, they can find what they are seeking with a DC 15 Investigation check (no heavy armor is available, however, with one noted exception below). A search for magical weapons or armor can turn up the following items, with each successful DC 15 Investigation search in a row finding the next item: leather armor +1, rapier +1, chain mail +1, 10 arrows+1, shield +1. Once a roll is failed, no other items can be found.