2. Test of Confidence. In the center of this small chamber is a dais. On the opposite wall is a door, and above the door is written: “Place your confidence in the God. Leave your weapons here.” There is no direct consequence to following or ignoring the rules, but following the instructions improves the Dungeon Mood by 3 (max 5) and ignoring the instructions reduces the Dungeon Mood by 3 (min -5). 3. Zombie fisticuffs. This 30’x50’ room at first appears to be empty, with only a single door at the far end. When the PCs enter, however, zombies burst from the ground, one for each PC present. The difficulty of the encounter depends upon the prior actions of the PCs and the Dungeon Mood. If the PCs gave up their weapons, and the Dungeon Mood is positive, the zombies have only 5 HP each. If the PCs gave up their weapons, and the Dungeon Mood is neutral, the zombies have 10 HP each. If the PCs kept their weapons, and the Dungeon Mood is neutral, the zombies have 15 HP each. If the PCs kept their weapons and the Dungeon Mood is hostile, the zombies have full HP and do an extra point of damage on a slam attack (1d6+2). In this case, the zombies seem particularly enraged to the PCs. The dancing technique of room 1 can be used to turn the undead; the door at the opposite end of the room will only open once all the zombies are turned or destroyed. The zombies have no treasure, but are wearing the tattered clothes of former Chaos God cultists.