16. Miniatures room. This large 30’ x 40’ room contains an entire desert temple complex (of a God of Law) rendered in miniature, with the walls painted in exquisite detail to show surrounding terrain. The temple complex is surrounded by miniature soldiers, who are laying siege to the temple. On a tower in the center of the temple complex is a large red gem. If this gem is taken, or the miniature soldiers are attacked, they become animate, and launch attacks in groups against the players. There are 4 squads of melee fighters, and 4 ranged fighters; treat each squad as a Bandit, with the same stats except only a 10’ movement speed. The gem is a ruby, worth 200 gp; however, it is also magical, and if attuned to, it provides the ability to perform an Uncanny Dodge, like a rogue, once per short rest.