"The premiere of the upcoming sequel to the cult hit Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049 (directed by Denis Villeneuve who recently directed Arrival), is being promoted through the release of three related shorts before the film hits theaters. These shorts were directed by three different directors; the first one of the films is called 2036 Nexus Dawn and was directed by Luke Scott (son of Ridley Scott, the director of the original Blade Runner). As implied by its name, the short (and the two upcoming ones) will cover what has transpired between the original Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049."
I was considering the HHK as well, but for me the price was a bit too much on the steep side, so I had to go for something else, and when Planck made it to massdrop I just had to get it (since I knew of it from earlier). Really looking forward to getting it. :) Been waiting a long time now since I ordered it on Massdrop.
Yup that's the one! I love it there too, a lot of things there makes it feel like home. I remember one funny thing, we stopped at a gas station, I was standing just outside eating a snickers, then a guy walks past me and notice this crazy big colored bug on the trash can next to me, and we both thought that thing was looking crazy, we both stood there talking to eachoter trying to figure out what the hell that thing was, then after a minute we realized we where looking at a plastic toy that someone had put there. haha, I always think about that one when I hear the name Minnesota. If I was ever going to move to the states then Minnesota would be on the top of my list.
@jason Cool, I've been there, I was there some years ago when I visited a colleague of mine (He lives close to it), he worked for the same company as I do, and I visited him a week before we both went to LA for a conference. We walked around the mall, and later we went to a forest named 'Nemaji' if I remember correct, we drove 4wheelers and dirtbikes all day long ,was really nice. Minnesota was awesome, I really miss that trip.
@vinzv yeah we liked it, and have used it, but each year its become more expensive to have it there, and this year it became too much (15000 nok). and that is too much, paying that much means we could not afford any other type of vacation, and its always a preassure about going there because we paid a lot to have the camper there. . But now we can do other things instead :)