If/when the U.S. has a president who has trouble disavowing Stalinists, an administration full of GULAG enthusiasts, a popular media happy to proclaim that rich people should be imprisoned or deported and communist militias and lone wolves vandalizing stock exchanges and banks, THEN I'll happily take the "both sides are just as bad" argument to heart, okay?
Notices by usr_local_share@mastodon.social
usr_local_share@mastodon.social's status on Sunday, 20-Aug-2017 10:40:03 UTC usr_local_share -
usr_local_share@mastodon.social's status on Tuesday, 15-Aug-2017 03:29:30 UTC usr_local_share First Puyo Puyo invaded Tetris, now they're in #SonicMania. I predict by 2020 all video games will be occupied by Puyo Puyo. #NintendoSwitch
usr_local_share@mastodon.social's status on Monday, 07-Aug-2017 05:10:38 UTC usr_local_share Confession: when I was a little script-kiddie interested in PHP/MySQL, I actually thought designing a user database with "gender" as a Boolean was a smart idea. (luckily, said database was never actually used)
Of course, nowadays I wouldn't do anything less than a complex number consisting of two IEEE 754 compliant floats, including negative and positive infinities and NaNs.
usr_local_share@mastodon.social's status on Monday, 24-Jul-2017 06:07:26 UTC usr_local_share Arch: Would you like to play a game of Global Thermonuclear Updates? (The only winning move is not to play.)
Debian: Welcome to two years ago! We hope didn't bring any recently-made hardware here, have you?
usr_local_share@mastodon.social's status on Thursday, 06-Jul-2017 11:36:38 UTC usr_local_share With all due respect to socialists -- I have to say, I hate the term "late capitalism". Mostly because it implies that capitalism is in its dying stage and that there's no next step for it. It's a loaded phrase, just like "pro-life" (instead of "anti-abortion") or "family values" (instead of "homophobia"). In fact, is the word "late" even fit to describe things that aren't dead already?
And if that prediction happens to be wrong, what will the next stage be called? "Even later capitalism"?