2017 SKYWARN Recognition Day will be held on the first Saturday in December. The date and time is December 2, 2017, from 0000 UTC until 2400 UTC.
SKYWARN Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League.
It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN volunteers across the country.
The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative.
During the SKYWARN Special Event operators will visit NWS offices and contact other radio operators across the world.
@zlg it's a REALLY long story. The TL;DR is that the lead dev went out of his way to bring the Twitter/ Tumblr drama crowd to this network. Also, apparently we're Nazis *shrugs*
@boris there is one exception. We do still have fallout shelters left over from the Cold War but that's for a completely different scenario. Events such as these major storms are what's known as black swan events. They're extremely rare but those of us involved in response and recovery train on how to deal with them if and when they do occur. @dokidoki
I'm jumping between 4 emergency HF nets and there's obvious deliberate jamming on all of them. I doubt any of you lids can see this but if you do just remember you're looking at a $10K/ day fine. I spoke to Riley Hollingsworth a few months ago and the FCC will be stepping up enforcement under the current administration. !amateur