Notices by Tony Fleming (
Tony Fleming ('s status on Saturday, 12-Mar-2016 16:59:25 UTC Tony Fleming Next day excuses:
1. Was hailing a cab. Not Hitler.
2. Was giving the guy the finger. My my carpal tunnel.
3. He asked which way was Canada.
4. Answering how many non white friends she has.
5. Show how high she is. -
Tony Fleming ('s status on Saturday, 12-Mar-2016 07:07:19 UTC Tony Fleming Encryption supporters are very dogmatic about privacy. And as much as I love my Black President he is very conservative in matters concerning national security, patriotism, and state secrets. And there in lies the problem.
The man issue with passing resolutions, laws, amendments to the Constitution is you could trust the leaders you have now but will you trust the leaders you have tomorrow. Everyone thinks they are the good guys. I would lean to trusting Obama off of principle on most issues. But on this matter I have to no. I believe people have a right to absolute privacy. I just don't bounce off the walls about it. -
Tony Fleming ('s status on Wednesday, 09-Mar-2016 01:15:55 UTC Tony Fleming Looking into getting an action cam for the oldest to make videos on (when he gets his grades up that is).