Have you ever wondered how #ActivityPub got its name and what other names were considered? Here's the transcript from the W3C meeting where the naming happened. https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-01-12-minutes
Notices by Steve Bate (steve@social.technoetic.com)
Steve Bate (steve@social.technoetic.com)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 12:05:24 UTC Steve Bate -
Steve Bate (steve@social.technoetic.com)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Mar-2023 14:22:13 UTC Steve Bate @TryshHQ @atomicpoet @timbray It seems to me that it has already happened. Google captures and indexes Fediverse content (at least Mastodon) to support its advertising business.
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