1. Browser competition on iOS would be nice.
2. It probably would mean that Google would release Chrome.
3. There is a non-zero chance for Google to require Chrome when using YouTube, GMail, even Google Search.
4. What we know about web developers is that they give a damn about browser diversity. If Google would only support one browser, cross-browser development would dwindle fast.
5. There is little to gain and a huge risk for monoculture. It’s trading one downside with another.
Notices by Eric Eggert (yatil@toot.cafe)
Eric Eggert (yatil@toot.cafe)'s status on Thursday, 05-Jan-2023 07:51:27 UTC Eric Eggert -
Eric Eggert (yatil@toot.cafe)'s status on Thursday, 05-Jan-2023 07:51:26 UTC Eric Eggert It’s the same people arguing for more browsers on iOS all the time and when you ask them about the systemic consequences, the best response was “we’ll see what happens”. Sure, you do that.
Show those great PWAs, make the case. Nobody’s really adopting PWAs on Android.
A PWA that I used on macOS from Chrome did not allow for simple OS interactions. Dropping a file onto the PWA icon in the dock to open that file in the PWA? No chance.