@vegos (Part 3 of 3)
There are also charlatans in our imperfect world, as we have seen with false evidence claiming vaccinations cause autism can appear in medical journals.

Rich and powerful corporations keep getting more powerful in spite of continuing to aggressively market feeding human infants “formula” even though it is not better for babies.

An extraordinarily important issue around the field of medicine— and how we treat mental illnesses— is how the process is corrupted though lack of effective government oversight of the public good.

This problem extends beyond medicine; it plagues everything from food safety to education to copyright law to environmental protection in Canada. Our electoral system gives us undemocratic form of “representative democracy,” and until we adopt a proportional system our governments will pander to corporate special interests because it is nearly unaccountable to the public.

Of course, even with proportional electoral systems, democracy requires citizen vigilance. Particularly as corporate special interests continue to get stronger and bigger and more powerful.